STEP IN project reacts to the current situation at secondary technical schools in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Italy and Finland, and generally across Europe, caused by the COVID pandemic, which puts schools, teachers and students under the pressure of completely new, unexpected challenges, with the demand for the use of digital tools for teaching all the content online. Teachers and students need to face problems, such as lack of ICT skills and experience on the side of education providers, lack of skills to exploit available online tools to a greater extent, lack of teaching materials that would enhance online teaching, lack of cooperation among schools in sharing the teaching resources and methods and other issues. Also, one of the key problems, common across Europe is the inaccessibility of and difficulties in providing vocational practical training that students from secondary technical schools, or other vocational fields, could undertake during the lockdown and online teaching, as there aren´t available teaching resources ready to use with this purpose. The difficulties caused by this fact, result in the lack of students´ skills and competencies which they needed to acquire through practice, that would prepare them for their practical jobs and labour market needs. For these reasons, we would like to tackle this problem by developing the following materials:

  • Needs Analysis among the target groups of the teachers and students, related to online teaching and practical training in the fields of Machining, Hydraulics and Pneumatics and Logistics, resulting in setting priorities, content, methods and proven tools related to online teaching
  • Educational Video materials/learning units to teach these topics, including online modules, supporting practical training on Machining, Hydraulics and Pneumatics and Logistics
  • Tests for reviewing incoming and outcoming knowledge and skills of students, related to the machinery use, before and after the use of online educational resources (video materials/learning units), with sets of questions, for each of the above-mentioned topics
  • Examples of good practice for teachers with an overview of suitable tools/technologies and methods for online practical training and teaching concrete vocational topics, tested during the project.

All materials developed within the STEP IN project will be free of charge and we will be happy if you can use them in your teaching practice.

Project partners:
Stredná odborná škola technická, Bratislava, Slovakia
Stredná priemyselná škola strojnícka, Bratislava, Slovakia
INAK, o.z., Kremnica, Slovakia
Vyšší odborná škola, Střední škola, Centrum odborné přípravy, Sezimovo Ústí, Czech Republic
IIS Olivetti, Ivrea, Italy
Tyotehoseura RY, Rajamaki, Finland

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